Telkomsel Launching Jaga Data Campaign
3/25/20241 min read

Telkomsel invite user to collaborate in reporting online fraud case that happened in public recently, through "Telkomsel Jaga Data" campaign, with #BersatuKitaLapor hashtag. User can access reporting channel provide by Telkomsel, report can be submit through various channel, via call to 188, send SMS to 1166 with following format PENIPUAN#NOMOR PENIPU#ISI SMS, via email to or directly come to Telkomsel Office (Grapari).
Vice President Corporate Communications & Social Responsibility Telkomsel, Saki Hamsat Bramono said "Based on ministry of communication data, during August 2018 until February 2023, there are 1.730 fraud content. That's why everybody should actively protect their personal data, because personal data protection is our responsibility. Through #BersatuKitaLapor initative, Telkomsel not only educate, but also asking for a collaboration for user, to be the part of solution. This campaign reflecting Telkomsel commitment and responsibility to build a save digital environment, where every individuals play an important role in it.
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